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Origin of the surname


Generation 1

Eliza DICKSON was born in Preston, Lancashire in 1830. She was the youngest child of Ralph DICKSON and Elizabeth. Eliza married Thomas TURNER in 1865 in Salford, Lancashire.

Ralph married a widow Elizabeth SWARZBRICK in 1819 and after she died, he married Mary Anne FLOWERS in Lincolnshire in 1849. I don't know when Mary Anne died, but in 1861, just before his death, he married Eliza SHAW. Ralph had been a builder, but by the time of his death, he had acquired (or built) a lot of property, which he left to his children. Ralph was born about 1792 in Charnock Richard. His father (on his marriage certificates) was John, but no baptism has yet been found.

Family Tree


Last modified on 21 July 2016